Robot Teach Pendant Cable Reels

The Reels You Need
Robot Reels was developed because of a gap in the industrial robot marketplace. In walking through manufacturing facilities nationwide, I witnessed teach pendant cables scattered on the floor around robot cells, causing potential tripping hazards.
Then in talking to maintenance personnel at these facilities, I heard countless stories of people tripping over the scattered cables, cables being walked on or run over by different types of equipment, or bad handling of the pendant and cable by the operators. All these conditions create an unnecessary safety hazard as well as costly downtime and maintenance costs.
While cable reels already existed on the market, many were not built to the rugged industrial standards of these USA manufacturing facilities. So many companies just struggle with their existing solution of hanging the teach pendant cable and pendant on a hook.
Until now.
Robot Reels LLC has designed the reel you need in your plant!

Get a Robot Reel
- Heavy-Duty, Industrial Grade ALL STEEL Construction!
- Designed for welding, pic n place, powder coat paint robots & CNC’s!
- Patent #9,592,991
- Quick Disconnect Design
- Change out a bad cable in 5 minutes!